
Does your school district have unspent ARP ESSER funding?

Written by Arly Communications | Aug 6, 2024 7:37:13 PM

Here's how to check and how it can be spent before the September deadline.

About ARP ESSER funding

ESSER (the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund), was awarded in three acts. The final act, the American Rescue Plan Act which includes ARP ESSER, also known as ESSER III, was signed into law in March of 2021. The deadline for submitting plans and having them approved for ARP ESSER funding is September 30, 2024. 

The intent of ARP ESSER is to provide funds to allow states to sustain the safe operation of schools, and to address the impact of COVID-19 including the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of the nation’s students.

ARP ESSER requires that 20% of the funds must be used “to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ … needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups.”

For more information, see the Department of Education’s ARP ESSER Fact Sheet

How do I check for unspent ARP ESSER funding?

To make sure none of your district ESSER funds go unspent, use Georgetown University, Edunomic Lab’s ESSER Expenditure Dashboard which tracks expenditures that have been submitted for reimbursement by district. Click on your state, and follow the link to ESSER Summary to see your state’s ESSER spending sorted by district. Note that spending may exceed what is reported for some districts. You can also check your state’s education department website for tools and guidelines on tracking ESSER funds.


What can ARP ESSER be spent on?

ARP ESSER funding includes allowable uses outlined for both ESSER I and ESSER II, and expanded use cases in ARP ESSER. These are as follows:


  • Educational Technologies: Software and hardware that support learning
  • Summer Learning Programs
  • Mental Health Support: Services and resources to support student mental health
  • Disadvantaged Subgroups Support: Targeted assistance for underserved student populations including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low income families, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, migrant students, children experiencing homelessness, and youth in foster care
  • Operational Continuity: Measures to ensure schools can safely continue operations and prepare for future challenges


  • Learning Recovery: Addressing educational gaps that occurred due to COVID-19
  • Air Quality Improvement: Enhancing school facility air quality


  • Evidence-Based Interventions: Summer learning and enrichment programs, extended day programs, comprehensive after-school programs, and extended school year programs

Additionally, ARP ESSER provides:

  • Discounted Telecommunication and Information Services through the E-Rate Program
  • Wraparound Services: Comprehensive, youth and family driven initiatives to support underserved communities

How Arly can help

We at Arly are committed to bridging the educational divide. With optional evidence-based academic curriculum that can provide an intervention to address reading/ELA and math learning loss, as well as an enrichment curriculum that equips kids with vital life skills including emotional, social, and mental health skills, Arly can be purchased with ARP ESSER funding. 

Arly is a comprehensive youth management platform that equips you with all the tools and resources you need to provide a top-notch program. Want to learn more? Request a demo today!